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How to make it xwork with a game of thrones mod ? Link to post. If you have a related Youtube channel, enter the URL. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. “A Game of Thrones” (AGOT) is a full-conversion mod for Paradox Interactive’s Crusder Kings II (CK2). Nomads get wrong government penalty for holding any of the regular holding types - castles, cities, temples or tribes. Uniquely among all government types, nomads do not have a demesne limit a Khaganwill be increasingly pressured to hand out excess nomadic counties - that is, counties with at most one holding - or risk revolts due to lowered clan sentiments or minor clans rising up. are you sure you are one - a courtier and two - eighter landed or NOT independent? I'm experienced with CKII, for reference. Yeah I dont have that mod installed either way its no problem. The mod aims to address major events such as the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, the "Discovery" of the New World, and takes place at a turning point in Eurasian history. Where you start as a courtier in the beginning of the game. Kind of disappointing, since now I can't have my second child inherit that title and continue to play as a courtier. mod file of the mod in documets/paradox/ck2/mods open it with a notepad++ and changing the dependencies to = "A Game Of Thrones"? Crusader Kings II. split off large parts of 00_job_titles.txt into 00_scripted_triggers.txt CK2 Plus Mod.